Today’s workout is a short 12 minute AMRAP (“As Many Reps As Possible”). The goal is to complete as many rounds of 10 box step-ups, 10 Russian kettlebell swings, and 20 double unders as you can in the 12 minute time limit.
Be thoughtful when choosing your modifications for today’s workout. The rounds are meant to be short, so pick a weight for the Russian kettlebell swings where you can complete 10 repetitions unbroken throughout the workout. Pick a scaling option for the jump rope that allows you to finish each set in under 30 seconds.
If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD:
12 minute AMRAP:
10 box step-ups (24in., 20in.)
10 Russian kettlebell swings (71lb, 53lb)
20 double unders
Beginners can use a shorter box for the box step-ups and a lighter kettlebell for the Russian kettlebell swings. They can also substitute single unders or imaginary jump rope for the double unders. Pick scaling options that allow you to move through each round quickly. A beginner’s version of today’s workout could look like this:
Scaled 1:
12 minute AMRAP:
10 box step-ups to a comfortable height
10 Russian kettlebell swings (15lb, 10lb)
20 imaginary jump rope or 10 single unders
Perhaps something between the experienced version and the beginner version of the WOD is right for you today. Another variation of today’s WOD might look like this:
Scaled 2:
12 minute AMRAP:
10 box step-ups to a comfortable height
10 Russian kettlebell swings (53lb, 35lb)
10 double unders or 30 single unders
Your score is the total number of rounds and repetitions you complete during today’s workout.
Not sure what some of the movements are? Click on the following links for more information: