Monday - 11/11/24
November 10, 2024
Today in the United States, we celebrate Veterans Day to honor America’s veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good. As a fitness community, it is traditional to perform a Hero WOD on this day, much like we performed the workout “Murph” on Memorial Day to honor those we’ve lost. Here at Community Fitness Club, we will perform the workout “Chad” today in honor of Navy SEAL Chad Wilkinson who took his life on October 29, 2018, due to the effects of numerous deployments, several TBIs, blast wave injuries, and PTSD. Our goal is to honor Chad’s life and legacy and to raise awareness for suicide prevention.
This workout is very challenging. It consists of 1000 box step-ups performed while wearing a ruck pack. It is meant to be long and slow. However, beginner and intermediate athletes should definitely scale the load and volume. Let’s honor our nation’s veterans while also being respectful of our own fitness capabilities!
If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD:
For time:
1000 box step-ups (20in.)
**Wear a ruck pack (45/35lb)*