Halloween may be over, but that’s no reason to not be prepared for a zombie apocalypse! Today’s WOD (“Workout of the Day”) is a 15 minute AMRAP (“As Many Reps As Possible”) in which you’ll re-enact a zombie chase.
First, you hop on a bike and ride for 12/9 calories to get away from oncoming zombies. Then you do 10 air squats to duck a cloud of blood-thirsty vampire bats. Oh no! You hear ominous moaning nearby. Stay very still by doing a 20 second wall sit. Next you need to jump over some tombstones to escape a grave yard by performing 10 tuck jumps. Uh oh! You ran straight into a spider web. Get it off by doing 20 jumping jacks. Ghosts are swarming above you! Stay low to the ground and perform 5 up and down planks. Then, escape through a tunnel by bear crawling for 50 feet (about 16 large steps). You’ve made it! Celebrate by performing 5 burpees. Repeat this chase scene as many times as you can in 15 minutes!
If you are an experienced athlete, please perform the following WOD:
Zombie Chase AMRAP
15 minute AMRAP:
Zombies are coming! Get away fast! Air bike 12/9 calories
Duck! Vampire bats overhead! 10 air squats
Shh! Hold very still! 20 second wall sit
Jump over the graves! 10 tuck jumps
Stuck in a spider web. Get it off! 20 jumping jacks
Stay low to the ground! 5 up and down planks
Tunnel escape! 50 foot bear crawl
You made it! Celebrate! 5 burpees