Monday - 10/28/24


Halloween is almost here, and today’s workout will help get you in the mood! Today we are going to pretend to be zombies by walking like the dead (wall walks), busting out of graves (burpees), and tossing brains (wall balls). If you can’t do some of these movements, don’t worry! There are modified movements for all you zombies-in-training as well!

If you are an experienced athlete, please perform the following WOD:

Zombie WOD


6 rounds for time:

5 “walk like the dead” aka wall walks

10 “grave busters” aka burpees

15 “brain tosses” aka wall balls (20lb, 14lb)

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Tuesday - 10/29/24


I’m calling today’s workout The Walking Deadlift, and while it might not make you feel like one of the walking dead, the combination of deadlifts and lunges will give your back and backside a great workout!

The Walking Deadlift is an EMOM (“Every Minute on the Minute”). In today’s workout, you will perform 10 deadlifts in the first minute and 20 walking lunges in the second minute. This will continue for 6 rounds until the 12 minutes are up. If you finish a movement before the given minute is complete, rest and wait until the next minute to begin the next movement.

If you are an experienced athlete, please perform the following WOD:

The Walking Deadlift


12 minute EMOM:

Minute 1: 10 deadlifts (225lb, 155lb)

Minute 2: 20 dumbbell overhead walking lunges (35lb, 25lb)

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Wednesday - 10/30/24


Today’s WOD will prepare you to carry your child’s (or your own!) Halloween haul by working your grip strength and endurance. “AMRAP” stands for “As Many Reps As Possible.” The goal today is to get as much work done during the 18 minutes as you can. In this workout, you will perform a 100 meter farmer’s carry, 10 dumbbell box step-ups, and 10 push-ups each round. Keep going until all 18 minutes have elapsed. Remember to stand all the way up and fully open your hips at the top of each box step-up!

I don’t expect you to break out a measuring stick for the 100 meter farmers carry! It is okay to approximate the distance. I suggest taking 25 large steps in one direction, marking where you end up, and traveling this distance 4 times each round.

If you are an experienced athlete, please perform the following WOD:

Candy Carry


18 minute AMRAP:

100 meter farmers carry (50lb, 35lb)

10 dumbbell box step-ups (24in., 20in.) (50lb, 35lb)

10 push-ups

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Thursday - 10/31/24


Happy Halloween, Community Fitness Club! Let’s celebrate with a chipper style Halloween WOD. In a chipper, you complete all the reps of the first movement before continuing on to the next movement. In this way, you slowly “chip” away at the repetitions. Modify, modify, modify! There are a lot of movements in today’s WOD, so there are many opportunities to personalize the workout to your fitness level. You know your body best! Pick the scaling options and weights that are right for you!

If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD:



For time:

10 toes-to-bar

31 pull-ups

10 abmat sit-ups

31 box jumps (24in., 20in.)

10 toes-to-bar

31 American kettlebell swings (53lb, 35lb)

10 abmat sit-ups

31 dumbbell push jerks (50lb, 35lb)

1031 meter row

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Friday - 11/01/24


Halloween may be over, but that’s no reason to not be prepared for a zombie apocalypse! Today’s WOD (“Workout of the Day”) is a 15 minute AMRAP (“As Many Reps As Possible”) in which you’ll re-enact a zombie chase.

First, you hop on a bike and ride for 12/9 calories to get away from oncoming zombies. Then you do 10 air squats to duck a cloud of blood-thirsty vampire bats. Oh no! You hear ominous moaning nearby. Stay very still by doing a 20 second wall sit. Next you need to jump over some tombstones to escape a grave yard by performing 10 tuck jumps. Uh oh! You ran straight into a spider web. Get it off by doing 20 jumping jacks. Ghosts are swarming above you! Stay low to the ground and perform 5 up and down planks. Then, escape through a tunnel by bear crawling for 50 feet (about 16 large steps). You’ve made it! Celebrate by performing 5 burpees. Repeat this chase scene as many times as you can in 15 minutes!

If you are an experienced athlete, please perform the following WOD:

Zombie Chase AMRAP


15 minute AMRAP:

Zombies are coming! Get away fast! Air bike 12/9 calories

Duck! Vampire bats overhead! 10 air squats

Shh! Hold very still! 20 second wall sit

Jump over the graves! 10 tuck jumps

Stuck in a spider web. Get it off! 20 jumping jacks

Stay low to the ground! 5 up and down planks

Tunnel escape! 50 foot bear crawl

You made it! Celebrate! 5 burpees

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