Monday - 10/07/24


It’s Monday, Community Fitness Club! Let’s get the week off to a great start with 4 rounds of 40 double unders, 20 kettlebell swings, 20 wall balls, and 20 sit-ups. Use the sit-ups to catch your breath so that you can push hard through the rest of the workout and finish as quickly as possible! It will be tough, but you can do it!

If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD:


4 rounds for time:

40 double unders

20 American kettlebell swings (53lb, 35lb)

20 wall balls (20lb, 14lb)

20 abmat sit-ups

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Tuesday - 10/08/24


Today we will be performing a WOD (“Workout of the Day”) consisting of burpees, rowing, and box jumps. We will kick off the workout with 10 burpees and a 40 calorie row, followed by another 10 burpees and 30 box jumps. Then we will do another 10 burpees and a 20 calorie row, followed by 10 more burpees and 10 box jumps. Finally, we will finish with the last 10 burpees. As always, personalize today’s workout to your current fitness level today. You know your body best! Pick the scaling options that are right for you!

If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD:


For time:

10 burpees

40 calorie row

10 burpees

30 box jumps (24in., 20in.)

10 burpees

20 calorie row

10 burpees

10 box jumps (24in., 20in.)

10 burpees

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Wednesday - 10/09/24


Today we will keep things simple by doing a tabata-style workout. In a tabata, you perform a given movement for 8 rounds of 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest.

In the first tabata of today’s WOD, we will cycle through each scale variation twice. That is, we will perform a front scale on our left foot for 20 seconds, then a front scale on our right foot for 20 seconds, then a back scale on our left foot for 20 seconds, then a back scale on our right foot for 20 seconds. We will then repeat all four movements one more time.

The next four tabatas will consist of dumbbell box step-ups, mountain climbers, pull-ups, and handstand push-ups.

To time today’s workout using the SmartWOD timer app:

  1. Select “TABATA”.
  2. Choose 8 rounds of 0:20 work, 0:10 rest.
  3. Press the plus sign beside “Add sets (optional)”.
  4. Coose 5 sets with 1 minute of rest between sets.
  5. Press “START TIMER”.

You can also use “tabata songs” on YouTube to time your workout. Check out the link on how to time your workout at the bottom of this post for more information.

If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD:


Tabata 1 - Scales (front left, front right, back left, back right)

Rest 1 minute

Tabata 2 - Alternate between dumbbell box step-ups (35lb, 25lb), (24in., 20in.) and mountain climbers

Rest 1 minute

Tabata 3 - Alternate between dumbbell box step-ups (35lb, 25lb), (24in., 20in.) and mountain climbers

Rest 1 minute

Tabata 4 - Alternate between pull-ups and handstand push-ups

Rest 1 minute

Tabata 5 - Alternate between pull-ups and handstand push-ups

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Thursday - 10/10/24


Today’s workout is a 14 minute AMRAP (“As Many Reps As Possible”). Try to complete as many rounds of 10/8 calories on the air bike, 10 deadlifts, 5 hang power cleans, and 1 wall walk as you can during the 14 minute work period. Modify the movements and weights as needed so that you can keep moving steadily through the WOD. As always, though, be careful. Even though the goal is to perform as many repetitions as possible, it is better to be slow and safe than fast and injured!

If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD:


14 minute AMRAP:

10/8 calorie air bike

10 deadlifts (115lb, 75lb)

5 hang power cleans (115lb, 75lb)

1 wall walk

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Friday - 10/11/24


Thank goodness it’s Friday! We will close out this week with a 20 minute EMOM (“Every Minute On the Minute”) in which we will perform 45 seconds of jumping jacks in the first minute, 45 seconds of Superman hold in the second minute, 45 seconds of push-ups in the third minute, 45 seconds of a wall sit in the fourth minute, and 45 seconds of toes-to-bar in the fifth minute. This will continue for 3 more rounds until the 20 minutes are up. Please pick an amount of time to perform each movement that is appropriate for how you feel today.

To time today’s workout using the SmartWOD timer app:

  1. Select “EMOM”.
  2. Choose “Every 1 for 20”.
  3. Press “START TIMER”.

If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD:


20 minute EMOM:

Minute 1: 45 seconds of jumping jacks

Minute 2: 45 seconds of Superman hold

Minute 3: 45 seconds of push-ups

Minute 4: 45 seconds of wall sit

Minute 5: 45 seconds of toes-to-bar

Beginners can modify both the movements and the amount of time they are performed. A beginner’s version of today’s workout could look like this:

Scaled 1:

20 minute EMOM:

Minute 1: 40 seconds of jumping jacks

Minute 2: 30 seconds of Superman hold

Minute 3: 40 seconds of wall push-ups

Minute 4: 30 seconds of wall sit

Minute 5: 40 seconds of toes-to-rig or toes-to-wall

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