Monday - 9/30/24
September 29, 2024
It’s the last day of September, Community Fitness Club! Let’s see out the month with a descending ladder of handstand push-ups and wall ball squat cleans. In today’s WOD we will perform 10 handstand push-ups and 20 wall ball squat cleans, followed by 9 handstand push-ups and 18 wall ball squat cleans, then 8 handstand push-ups and 16 wall ball squat cleans, decreasing by 1 repetition for handstand push-ups and 2 repetitions for wall ball squat cleans each round until we finish with 1 handstand push-up and 2 wall ball squat cleans. Every round will get easier, so push hard, and get it done as quickly as possible. You can do this!
If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD:
For time:
Handstand push-ups
Wall ball squat cleans (20lb, 14lb)