Monday - 9/30/24


It’s the last day of September, Community Fitness Club! Let’s see out the month with a descending ladder of handstand push-ups and wall ball squat cleans. In today’s WOD we will perform 10 handstand push-ups and 20 wall ball squat cleans, followed by 9 handstand push-ups and 18 wall ball squat cleans, then 8 handstand push-ups and 16 wall ball squat cleans, decreasing by 1 repetition for handstand push-ups and 2 repetitions for wall ball squat cleans each round until we finish with 1 handstand push-up and 2 wall ball squat cleans. Every round will get easier, so push hard, and get it done as quickly as possible. You can do this!

If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD:


For time:


Handstand push-ups


Wall ball squat cleans (20lb, 14lb)

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Tuesday - 10/01/24


Can you believe it’s already October! Let’s kick off the new month with 5 rounds of 12 dumbbell walking lunges, 21 kettlebell swings, and a 300 meter row. Scale each movement in a way that makes sense for you today, and take breaks as needed. Just do your best, and that will be good enough!

If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD:


5 rounds for time:

12 dumbbell walking lunges (50lb, 35lb)

21 American kettlebell swings (53lb, 35lb)

300 meter row

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Wednesday - 10/02/24


Today’s workout will begin with 15/12 calories on the air bike (15 calories for men, 12 calories for women), followed by 5 rounds of 5 pull-ups, 10 burpees, 15 sit-ups, and 20 kettlebell deadlifts, and it will end with another 15/12 calories on the air bike. Push hard today! You should definitely feel a difference between the biking buy-in at the beginning of the workout and the buy-out at the end!

If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD:


For time:

Buy-in: 15/12 calorie air bike

5 rounds:

5 pull-ups

10 burpees

15 abmat sit-ups

20 kettlebell deadlifts (71lb, 53lb)

Buy-out: 15/12 calorie air bike

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Thursday - 10/03/24


Today’s workout is an AMRAP (“As Many Reps As Possible”) containing box jumps, hang power cleans, and wall walks. The goal of today’s workout is to perform as many rounds of 5 box jumps, 3 hang power cleans, and 1 wall walk as you can in the 15 minute workout period. Please notice that the box jumps are higher and the hang power cleans are heavier than usual. Challenge yourself today!

However, please be cautious as well. Switch to lower box jumps or box step-ups if the higher box gets too difficult. Pick a weight for the hang power cleans that you can perform safely, and feel free to switch to partial wall walks or inchworms if you need to. You’ll still get in a great workout even if you make these modifications! So work hard, but be smart out there!

If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD:


15 minute AMRAP:

5 box jumps (30in., 24in.)

3 hang power cleans (135lb, 95lb)

1 wall walk

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Friday - 10/04/24


TGIF, Community Fitness Club! We will close out this week with an AMRAP (“As Many Reps As Possible”) consisting of as many rounds of 5 squat jumps, 10 up and down planks, 5 dumbbell push presses, and 20 double unders as we can complete during the 12 minute time period. I like ending the week with an AMRAP, because it scales to however you’re feeling that day. If you’re tired after a long week of working out, move a little slower and take longer breaks. If you’re feeling strong, push hard and get in as many reps as possible!

If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD:


12 minute AMRAP:

5 squat jumps

10 up and down planks

5 dumbbell push presses (40lb, 30lb)

20 double unders

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