Monday - 9/23/24


Happy Monday, Community Fitness Club! We’re going to start the week with an eighteen minute AMRAP (“As Many Reps As Possible”) of basic movements: pull-ups, push-ups, sit-ups, and air squats. Today, please focus on completing a full range of motion with each movement. Make sure your chin goes over the bar each time on the pull-ups, and completely straighten your arms when you come down. For the push-ups, lower your chest all the way to the ground on the descent and straighten your arms fully at the top. For the air squats, try to squat past parallel and then open your hips completely at the top. For more information on how to perform and scale these movements, check out the links below.

If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD:


18 minute AMRAP:

8 pull-ups

16 push-ups

24 abmat sit-ups

32 air squats

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Tuesday - 9/24/24


Today’s WOD will provide a great full body workout! You will begin by biking for 36/30 calories and performing 20 kettlebell swings, then 30/25 calories and 20 kettlebell swings, then 24/20 calories and 20 kettlebell swings, then 18/15 calories and 20 kettlebell swings, and finally 12/10 calories and a last 20 kettlebell swings. (The first number listed is the suggested number of calories for men and the second is the suggested number of calories for women. Do what is right for you.) Push hard, and try to get it done as quickly as possible! You can do it!

If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD:


For time:

36/30 calorie air bike

20 American kettlebell swings (53lb, 35lb)

30/25 calorie air bike

20 American kettlebell swings (53lb, 35lb)

24/20 calorie air bike

20 American kettlebell swings (53lb, 35lb)

18/15 calorie air bike

20 American kettlebell swings (53lb, 35lb)

12/10 calorie air bike

20 American kettlebell swings (53lb, 35lb)

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Wednesday - 9/25/24


For today’s workout, you will complete 4 rounds of 5 wall walks, 10 dumbbell push jerks, 20 dumbbell walking lunges, and 40 double unders. This WOD will challenge every part of you: your lower body, your upper body, your core, your cardiovascular system, and your coordination. Scale it to make it right for you, and then get after it!

If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD:


4 rounds for time:

5 wall walks

10 dumbbell push jerks (50lb, 35lb)

20 dumbbell walking lunges (50lb, 35lb)

40 double unders

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Thursday - 9/26/24


Today’s WOD is an AMRAP (“As Many Reps As Possible”) in which the goal is to complete as many rounds of 5 burpees, 10 kettlebell deadlifts, 5 box jumps, and 10 calories on the rower as you can during the 15 minute time limit. The kettlebell deadlifts will strengthen your legs and back; the box jumps will increase your explosiveness; and the burpees and the rower will work your whole body while getting you good and sweaty. Combined these four movements will help you become a better overall athlete, so work hard and get it done!

If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD:


15 minute AMRAP:

5 burpees

10 kettlebell deadlifts (71lb, 53lb)

5 box jumps (24in., 20in.)

10 calorie row

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Friday - 9/27/24


TGIF, Community Fitness Club! To end the week strong, we will perform 10 power cleans and 5 thrusters, followed by 8 hang power cleans and 4 thrusters. We will then rest for 90 seconds before completing 8 power cleans and 4 thrusters, followed by 6 hang power cleans and 3 thrusters. We will then rest another 90 seconds and will then perform 6 power cleans and 3 thrusters, followed by 4 hang power cleans and 2 thrusters. We will then rest another 90 seconds before performing our last round of 4 power cleans and 2 thrusters, followed by 2 hang power cleans and 1 thruster. Try to really push for speed each round, and use the rest periods to recover.

If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD:


For time:

10 power cleans

5 thrusters

8 hang power cleans

4 thrusters

*Rest 90 seconds

8 power cleans

4 thrusters

6 hang power cleans

3 thrusters

*Rest 90 seconds

6 power cleans

3 thrusters

4 hang power cleans

2 thrusters

*Rest 90 seconds

4 power cleans

2 thrusters

2 hang power cleans

1 thruster

*Use 95/65 pound barbell for all movements

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