Monday - 9/16/24


Happy Monday, Community Fitness Club! We will begin our week with a WOD (“Workout of the Day”) that consists of four three-minute work intervals separated by three-minute rest intervals. During the work periods you will perform the given number of burpees and calorie row, and then you will complete as many thrusters as you can before the three-minute interval is up. You will then rest three minutes before starting the next round. The rest periods in today’s workout are generous, so really push hard during the work periods. You might surprise yourself with just how much you can accomplish!

To time today’s workout using the SmartWod timer app, follow these steps:

(1) Press “TABATA”.

(2) Select 4 rounds of 3:00 work and 3:00 rest.

(3) Press “START TIMER.”

If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD:


In 3 minutes:

15 burpees

6 calorie row

Max effort thrusters (75lb, 55lb)

Rest 3 minutes

In 3 minutes:

12 burpees

9 calorie row

Max effort thrusters (75lb, 55lb)

Rest 3 minutes

In 3 minutes:

9 burpees

12 calorie row

Max effort thrusters (75lb, 55lb)

Rest 3 minutes

In 3 minutes:

6 burpees

15 calorie row

Max effort thrusters (75lb, 55lb)

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Tuesday - 9/17/24


Today’s WOD (“Workout of the Day”) is two workouts in one! You will begin with 50 double unders and 50 kettlebell swings, followed by 40 double unders and 40 kettlebell swings, then 30 double unders and 30 kettlebell swings, then 20 double unders and 20 kettlebell swings, and finally 10 double unders and 10 kettlebell swings. You will then rest for three minutes before continuing on to the second part of the workout: 25 air bike calories and 25 sit-ups, followed by 20 air bike calories and 20 sit-ups, then 15 air bike calories and 15 sit-ups, then 10 air bike calories and 10 sit-ups, and finally 5 air bike calories and 5 sit-ups. Pace yourself today, and be smart picking your kettlebell weight. Go lighter so that you can complete large sets unbroken. This is a tough one, but you can do it!

If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD:


For time:


Double unders

American kettlebell swings (35lb, 22lb)

Rest 3 minutes


Air bike calories

Abmat sit-ups

Beginners can scale the rep scheme in today’s workout. They can also substitute single unders or imaginary jump rope for double unders and Russian kettlebell swings for American kettlebell swings. Make the workout right for you! A beginner’s version of today’s workout could look like this:

Scaled 1:

For time:


Single unders (or 80-60-40-20 imaginary jump rope)

Russian kettlebell swings (15lb, 10lb)

Rest 3 minutes


Air bike calories

Anchored or assisted sit-ups

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Wednesday - 9/18/24


The first two workouts of this week have been on the longer side. Let’s mark the middle of the week with a shorter workout consisting of dumbbell walking lunges and push-ups. Push yourself to complete the movements in unbroken sets if possible. It’s a short one, so move fast and get it done!

If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD:


3 rounds for time:

16 dumbbell walking lunges (35lb, 25lb)

14 push-ups

12 dumbbell walking lunges

10 push-ups

8 dumbbell walking lunges

6 push-ups

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Thursday - 9/19/24


Today’s workout is a 14 minute AMRAP (“As Many Reps As Possible”) in which we will complete as many rounds of 24 mountain climbers, 12 box step-ups, 6 pull-ups, and 3 toes-to-bar as we can during the 14 minute work period. For a fun challenge, try stringing your pull-ups and toes-to-bar together without dropping down off of the bar!

If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD:


14 minute AMRAP:

24 mountain climbers

12 box step-ups (24in., 20in.)

6 pull-ups

3 toes-to-bar

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Friday - 9/20/24


It’s Friday, Community Fitness Club! We will end the week with 4 rounds of 400 meters on the rower, 20 squat jumps, 10 deadlifts, and 5 handstand push-ups. Most of the movements in today’s WOD are safe to perform quickly, but please take your time working through the deadlifts, and pick an appropriate weight for you. Be smart, work hard, and then go enjoy your weekend! You’ve earned it!

If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD:


4 rounds for time:

400 meter row

20 squat jumps

10 deadlifts (225lb, 155lb)

5 handstand push-ups

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