Monday - 9/9/24


Today’s workout is a 12 minute AMRAP (“As Many Reps As Possible”) in which you’ll perform as many rounds as you can of 2 wall walks and 20 Russian kettlebell swings. The wall walks will challenge your balance and coordination, while the kettlebell swings will increase your muscular power. Though the goal of the workout is to complete as many rounds and repetitions as possible, please use caution when performing the wall walks. Only move as close to the wall as you feel comfortable with, and modify the wall walks as needed as you get more fatigued.

If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD:


12 minute AMRAP:

2 wall walks

20 Russian kettlebell swings (53lb, 35lb)

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Tuesday - 9/10/24


Today’s workout has only one movement: the air bike. In today’s WOD (“Workout of the Day”), we will bike for a set number of calories every minute for 20 minutes. Try to pick a number of calories where you have at least some time to rest each round. If you are unsure of what your target number of calories should be, bike for 30 seconds during your warm-up at an intensity similar to what you would use in a workout. Whatever number of calories you bike in that time period will be a good amount to use in today’s workout.

To time today’s WOD using the SmartWOD timer app, follow these steps:

(1) Press “EMOM.”

(2) Select “Every 1 for 20”.

(3) Press “START TIMER”.

Please note that men and women have different suggested calorie goals for today’s WOD. The calorie goal for men is listed first, and the calorie goal for women is listed second. Use a number that is right for you. The numbers listed are suggestions only.

If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD:


Every 1 minute for 20 minutes:

10/8 calorie air bike

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Wednesday - 9/11/24


Today we will commemorate September 11 with a tough tribute WOD (“Workout of the Day”). Please notice that most of the movements in today’s workout are a little more challenging than I typically program. The box jumps are higher, the weights are heavier, and the pull-ups are the more difficult chest-to-bar variety. Really try to push yourself today. Eleven repetitions is a small enough number to attempt a tougher variation than usual. However, it is also important to be smart! Pick scaling options that are challenging but that you can perform safely. No workout is worth being injured for, and that includes today’s WOD!

9/11 Tribute


For time:

2001 meter run or row

11 box jumps (30in., 24in.)

11 thrusters (110lb, 75lb)

11 burpee chest-to-bar pull-ups

11 power cleans (170lb, 115lb)

11 handstand push-ups

11 American kettlebell swings (70lb, 53lb)

11 toes-to-bar

11 deadlifts (170lb, 115lb)

11 push jerks (110lb, 75lb)

2001 meter run or row

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Thursday - 9/12/24


In today’s workout, you will perform 50 double unders, a ladder of wall balls and sit-ups, and then another 50 double unders. For the wall ball and sit-up portion of the workout, you will perform 1 wall ball and 1 sit-up, then 2 wall balls and 2 sit-ups, then 3 wall balls and 3 sit-ups, increasing by 1 repetition each round until you perform 10 wall balls and 10 sit-ups. At that point, you will begin decreasing by 1 repetition each round until you finally finish with 1 wall ball and 1 sit-up. By the end of today’s workout, you will have performed 100 double unders, 100 wall balls, and 100 sit-ups! Pick modifications and a rep scheme that allow you to move quickly through the workout. This one is meant to be fast-paced!

If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD:


For time:

Buy in: 50 double unders

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 repetitions:

Wall balls (20lb, 14lb)

Abmat sit-ups

Buy out:

50 double unders

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Friday - 9/13/24


Happy Friday the 13th, Community Fitness Club! We will end the week with a workout consisting of 5 rounds of a 20 calorie row, 5 dumbbell push presses,10 dumbbell box step-ups, and 10 burpees. I suggest capping today’s workout at 20 minutes. Complete as much of the workout as you can in 20 minutes, and then stop even if you haven’t finished everything yet. Whatever you’ve gotten done will be enough. Just be proud of your efforts, and have a great weekend!

If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD:


5 rounds for time:

20 calorie row

5 dumbbell push presses (40lb, 30lb)

10 dumbbell box step-ups (24in., 20in.), (40lb, 30lb)

10 burpees

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