Monday - 8/26/24


It’s Monday, Community Fitness Club! We will start our week with 5 rounds of 10 push-ups, 20 dumbbell box step-ups, and 20 sit-ups. Please try out the dumbbell box step-ups during your warm-up today, and pick a weight that you are confident that you can complete in unbroken sets for at least the first couple of rounds. Have fun out there today! Let’s get this week off to a strong start!

If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD:


5 rounds for time:

10 push-ups

20 dumbbell box step-ups (35lb, 25lb), (24in., 20in.)

20 abmat sit-ups

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Tuesday - 8/27/24


Today’s WOD (“Workout of the Day”) contains 3 rounds of 30 dumbbell thrusters and a 700 meter row. Both of these movements are great full-body exercises. Try to keep a steady pace throughout today’s workout. Pick a weight for the dumbbell thrusters that allows you to complete large sets. With the right weight, you should be able to complete the first round in no more than two sets. Don’t go too heavy, and don’t go out too fast. Pacing is the name of the game for today’s workout!

If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD:


3 rounds for time:

30 dumbbell thrusters (35lb, 25lb)

700 meter row

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Wednesday - 8/28/24


In today’s workout you will perform 30 burpees, 25 deadlifts, and 20 pull-ups; then 25 burpees, 20 deadlifts, and 15 pull-ups; and finally 20 burpees, 15 deadlifts, and 10 pull-ups. Please concentrate on using good form for your deadlifts throughout today’s WOD (even if that means slowing down and using a lighter weight). Work hard, but be smart!

If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD:


For time:

30 burpees

25 deadlifts (185lb, 135lb)

20 pull-ups

25 burpees

20 deadlifts

15 pull-ups

20 burpees

15 deadlifts

10 pull-ups

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Thursday - 8/29/24


Today’s WOD (“Workout of the Day”) is a 15 minute EMOM (“Every Minute On the Minute”). In the first minute of the workout you will perform 25 Russian kettlebell swings; in the second minute you will perform 15 box jumps; and in the third minute you will air bike for as many calories as possible. Continue like this for 5 rounds, trying to accumulate as many calories on the air bike as possible. Work hard! You can do it!

If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD:


15 minute EMOM:

Minute 1: 25 Russian kettlebell swings (71lb, 53lb)

Minute 2: 15 box jumps (24in., 20in.)

Minute 3: air bike for max calories

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Friday - 8/30/24


August is almost over, Community Fitness Club! Let’s finish off the month with a “Fight Gone Bad” style workout. In today’s WOD, you will perform one minute of mountain climbers, then move directly into one minute of alternating lunges, then one minute of bear crawl, then one minute of jump rope, then one minute of toes-to-bar, then one minute of rest. You will then repeat this sequence two more times.

To time today’s workout using the SmartWOD timer app:

  1. Select “EMOM”.
  2. Choose “Every 1 for 17.”
  3. Press “START TIMER”.

If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD:


3 rounds in 17 minutes:

1 minute of mountain climbers

1 minute of alternating lunges

1 minute of bear crawl

1 minute of double unders

1 minute of toes-to-bar

1 minute rest

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