Friday - 7/26/24
July 26, 2024
Friday - 7/26/24
Our last workout of the week contains only two movements: wall balls and box jumps. Pick a weight for your wall balls that allows you to complete large sets. Ideally, you should be able to complete each round of wall balls in today’s workout in no more than two sets. And, as always, be careful on the box jumps! Switch to a shorter box or box step-ups if you need to. Don’t be afraid to scale today. You’ll still get in a great workout!
If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD:
For time:
40 wall balls (20lb, 14lb)
30 box jumps (24in., 20in.)
30 wall balls
20 box jumps
20 wall balls
10 box jumps
10 wall balls