Friday - 7/26/24

Friday - 7/26/24


Our last workout of the week contains only two movements: wall balls and box jumps. Pick a weight for your wall balls that allows you to complete large sets. Ideally, you should be able to complete each round of wall balls in today’s workout in no more than two sets. And, as always, be careful on the box jumps! Switch to a shorter box or box step-ups if you need to. Don’t be afraid to scale today. You’ll still get in a great workout!

If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD:


For time:

40 wall balls (20lb, 14lb)

30 box jumps (24in., 20in.)

30 wall balls

20 box jumps

20 wall balls

10 box jumps

10 wall balls

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Thursday - 7/25/24

Thursday - 7/25/24


Today’s WOD (“Workout of the Day”) will begin with a tabata of scales followed by an 18 minute AMRAP (“As Many Reps As Possible”). For the tabata, you will cycle through each scale variation twice. That is, you will perform a front scale on your left foot for 20 seconds, then a front scale on your right foot for 20 seconds, then a back scale on your left foot for 20 seconds, then a back scale on your right foot for 20 seconds. You will then repeat all four movements one more time.

To time the tabata using the SmartWOD timer app:

(1) Press “TABATA”.

(2) Select 8 rounds of 0:20 of work, 0:10 of rest.

(3) Press “START TIMER”.

Once you are finished with the tabata, rest, and then continue on to today’s main workout. Try to complete as many rounds of a 400 meter row, 10 dumbbell walking lunges, 8 push-ups, and 6 up and down planks as you can in the 18 minute workout period. Work hard, and get in as many rounds as you can!

Everyone perform:

Tabata - Scales (front left, front right, back left, back right)

_Rest _

If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD:


18 minute AMRAP:

400 meter row

10 dumbbell walking lunges (50lb, 35lb)

8 push-ups

6 up and down planks

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Wednesday - 7/24/24

Wednesday - 7/24/24


For today’s WOD (“Workout of the Day”), we will perform 8 rounds of 5 pull-ups, 40 double unders, and 1 wall walk. The rounds are meant to go by quickly, so pick scaling options that you are good at and feel confident performing. It’s okay to reduce the number of double unders per round, substitute single unders, or modify the wall walks. Make today’s workout quick and fun!

If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD:


For time:

8 rounds for time:

5 pull-ups

40 double unders

1 wall walk

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Tuesday - 7/23/24

Tuesday - 7/23/24


Today’s workout is a 16 minute EMOM (“Every Minute On the Minute”) in which you will perform 20 goblet squats in the first minute, 20 sit-ups in the second minute, 20 kettlebell swings in the third minute, and 10/8 calories on the air bike in the fourth minute. This will continue for 4 rounds until the 16 minutes are complete. If you finish a movement before the given minute is complete, rest and wait until the next minute to begin the next movement.

It’s a good idea to test all of these movements during your warm-up, and pick a number of repetitions that you can complete in 30 to 40 seconds. You will slow down as the workout progresses, so be smart when choosing your rep scheme. Try to pick a number of repetitions per minute that you can maintain for the whole 16 minutes.

If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD:


16 minute EMOM:

MInute 1: 20 kettlebell goblet squats (53lb, 35lb)

Minute 2: 20 abmat sit-ups

Minute 3: 20 American kettlebell swings (53lb, 35lb)

Minute 4: 10/8 calorie air bike

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Monday - 7/22/24

Monday - 7/22/24


It’s a brand new week, Community Fitness Club! We will begin the week with a 15 minute AMRAP (“As Many Reps As Possible”). The goal today is to complete as many rounds of 12 dumbbell box step-ups, 9 dumbbell hang power cleans, 6 dumbbell push jerks, and 3 burpees as you can during the 15 minute workout period. Pick a dumbbell weight that allows you to keep moving today. Today’s WOD will really test your grip strength, so don’t be afraid to go a little lighter than usual.

If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD:


15 minute AMRAP:

12 dumbbell box step-ups (24in., 20in.), (50lb, 35lb)

9 dumbbell hang power cleans (50lb, 35lb)

6 dumbbell push jerks, (50lb, 35lb)

3 burpees

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