Monday - 12/30/24


There are just two more days left of 2024, Community Fitness Club! Let’s mark the passing of the year with a workout named “2024” in which we will perform as many rounds of 20 air squats, 24 double unders, 20 box step-ups, and 24 mountain climbers as we can in the 20 minute time frame. Those air squats and box step-ups will really start to burn by the end of the workout, so adjust the WOD as necessary to make it right for you today!

If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD:



20 minute AMRAP:

20 air squats

24 double unders

20 box step-ups (24in., 20in.)

24 mountain climbers

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Tuesday - 12/31/24


Happy New Year’s Eve, Community Fitness Club! Our workout today is a chipper style WOD called “12/31” which is made up of 31 repetitions of 12 different movements. This workout is on the longer side, so feel free to set a time cap if your time today is limited. Good luck!

If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD:



For time:

31 unbroken double unders

31 push-ups

31 wall balls (20lb, 14lb)

31 abmat sit-ups

31 ring rows

31 hang power cleans (95lb, 65lb)

31 air squats

31 leg raises

31 Russian kettlebell swings (71lb, 53lb)

31 push jerks (95lb, 65lb)

31 flutter kicks (right leg + left leg counts as 1 rep)

31 kettlebell deadlifts (71lb, 53lb)

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Wednesday - 01/01/25


It’s the first day of 2025, Community Fitness Club! Can you believe it? We’ll keep things simple today as we ring in the new year. Your goal is simply to row 2025 meters. This workout is a short one, so push to do your best and get the new year off to a great start!

Everyone gets to do the same version of the WOD today! You can do it!



For time:

2025 meter row

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Thursday - 01/02/25


How’s your new year going so far, Community Fitness Club? Today we will be doing a workout that we’ve performed every new year since January 1, 2020. It is a benchmark workout named Baseline. By performing this WOD today, you can see how you have improved and also set a baseline for your 2025 progress.

Remember that improvement can be measured in many ways, not just a faster time. Perhaps you feel more confident than you did when you first began. Perhaps you are able to squat deeper or row with better form. Celebrate your progress in whatever ways you can see it!

If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD:



For time:

500m row

40 air squats

30 abmat sit-ups

20 push-ups

10 pull-ups

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Friday - 01/03/25


Were you scared to try the 12 Days of Christmas *workout two weeks ago? If so, today’s workout will give you a taste of what you missed. I’m calling today’s WOD *The Reverse 12 Days of Christmas AMRAP. For 20 minutes, we will complete each exercise in descending order starting with 12 deadlifts, then 11 Superman holds, 10 double unders, 9 sit-ups, 8 dumbbell box step-ups, 7 dumbbell power cleans, 6 box jumps, 5 burpees, 4 toes-to-bar, 3 handstand push-ups, 2 air squats, and 1 broad jump. We will then repeat this sequence again and again until the 20 minutes are up.

If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD:

The Reverse 12 Days of Christmas AMRAP


20 minute AMRAP:

12 deadlifts (125lb, 95lb)

11 Superman holds

10 double unders

9 abmat sit-ups

8 dumbbell box step-ups (24in., 20in.) (50lb, 35lb)

7 dumbbell power cleans (50lb, 35lb)

6 box jumps (24in., 20in.)

5 burpees

4 toes-to-bar

3 handstand push-ups

2 air squats

1 broad jump

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